1. Nervous: (adjective) -- feeling stress and tension
2. Journey: (noun) -- traveling from one place to another
3. Worried: (adjective) -- troubled thought
4. Inspire: (verb) -- have someone believe
5. Creative: (adjective) -- using imagination
6. Pledge: (noun) -- a promise
Vocabulary Exercise:
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.
1. Jim was being ____________ when he painted a picture of what he thought was up in space.
2. My mother sounded _____________ when I called her an hour past the time I said I was going to.
3. Every day in school, the class says the _______________ of Allegiance in the morning.
4. Jenny could tell that her sister was ___________ because she was biting her nails and had a unsure look on her face.
5. Martin Luther King wanted to _____________ people to believe that equality between all people could be possible.
6. The Jones' took a _______________ from New York to Florida to vacation in Walt Disney World.
Grammar Point:
There are some examples of adjectives in my above paragraph. An adjectives describes something about a noun. It is a piece of grammar that is used often in reading and writing. I have stated nervous, worried and creative as adjectives. They are all describing a way that I feel. List 5 adjectives that describes you or describes about a time in your life. Then put those 5 adjectives in a paragraph containing minimum of 10 sentences.
I am glad that you were so excited about your first day of teaching. I hope that all your days will be wonderful. Good entry, including the exercises! Maybe your ESL students could write 5 instead of 10 sentences for that paragraph. It takes them a long time to write.