Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Exciting Year to Celebrate

When my mom told me that my father and her were having a baby, all I asked for, is that the baby be a girl so that I could have a sister.  Then when I actually got her, I was the happiest little girl.  As we grew up, my sister and I have had delightful times and some unfavorable times, and still to this day we do.  We are sisters, and that is what sisters do.  But there is not a day that goes by that I would wish anything different.  She is my best friend forever and always.

Last Sunday, my sister turned 18 years old.  The girl that I have always seen as a baby and probably always will, is growing up into a lovely young lady.  A young lady that makes her big sister so proud, and honored to be her big sister.  She makes clothes look like their being wore by a model, and she has such great passion in the things she likes.  My sister takes pride in herself, and will always fight for what she believes in which is a great quality in my eyes.  She is still growing up, so of course, there are still things that she is learning, but I have no doubt in my mind that she will grow up to be a successful and beautiful woman.


1. Delightful : ( adjective ) -- a feeling of joy
2. Unfavorable : ( adjective ) -- a negative feeling 
3. Lovely : ( adjective ) -- beautiful or nice
4. Passion : ( noun ) -- a strong feeling/emotion
5. Quality : ( noun ) -- a trait someone possess' with high value
6. Successful  : ( adjective ) -- accomplish great value 

Vocabulary Exercise:


Step 1: Separate all of the adjectives and nouns from the vocabulary words, into the chart below.  If you find any more adjectives or nouns in the paragraph above, please add them as well. 

Adjectives                                                                            Nouns             

1.                                                                                          1.                                                  
2.                                                                                          2. 
3.                                                                                          3. 
4.                                                                                          4. 
5.                                                                                          5. 
6.                                                                                          6. 

Step 2:   Define what an adjective is and what a noun is below.

Adjective: ________________________________________________________________________

Noun: ___________________________________________________________________________

Grammar Point:

Siblings, (sisters or brothers) hold important parts in everyone's lives.  Write a 5 sentences paragraph about your sister/brother or about someone who is important/special to you in your life.  Please include 3 adjectives about that special person and underline them.  This will make your paragraph more detailed and more interesting to read.  If there are any nouns in your paragraph, please circle them. 

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