Halloween is one of my
favorite times of the year. I love to dress up in different
costumes and be able to see other people's costumes. When I was younger, my favorite thing was trick-or-treating. It was the only time throughout the year, that I was able to get candy for
free. All I had to do was knock on my
neighbor's doors' and say "Trick-or-Treat"! My friends and family would get together as a large group and
parade around the
neighborhood, dressed up in our costumes and go around
knocking on people's door. After trick-or-treating, I would go back to my house and dump out all of the candy that I have received onto my living room floor. From there I would
sort out the good candy and bad candy. That really just means I would go through the candy, and sort through it to see which ones I wanted to eat, and which ones I would either save for another occasion or give to my parents. The excitement and thrill of the whole holiday is one of the reasons that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
1. Favorite: ( noun ) -- something you like to do
2. Costumes: ( noun ) -- an outfit someone doesn't normally wear, used for dressing up
3. Free: ( adverb ) -- no charge
4. Parade: ( verb ) -- march around
5. Neighborhood: ( noun ) -- an area where people live near one another
6. Knocking: ( verb ) -- to strike with a hard blow
7. Sort: ( verb ) -- to separate
Vocabulary Exercise:
Directions: Circle if the definition of the vocabulary words are true or false.
1. True/False -- A parade means to march around.
2. True/False -- Favorite means that you do not like something
3. True/False -- If something is free, then it costs money.
4. True/False -- I am knocking on someone's door so I am striking it with a hard blow.
5. True/False -- Sort means to separate something
6. True/False -- A neighborhood is an area where people live far away from each other
7. True/False -- I want to wear a costume, so I am going to dress up in an outfit I do not normally wear.
Grammar Point:
A verb is an action word that is used along side with the subject and object in the sentence. There are many verbs in the above paragraph. Please locate all of the verbs in the paragraph by circling them. Then go ahead and come up with 3 more verbs that describe an action. With those three verbs, place them in sentences with the correct grammar and sentence structure.
Really good exercises! I think Halloween is a bit of a problem for ESL students. Many immigrants don't like the negative scary images and may find them offensive. Some keep their kids home from school.